Losing it

sep 14 | Losing it

I know I have been neglectful the last couple of weeks and I feel terrible for going radio silent. But I am back and this little blog of mine will be up and running again!

My disappearing act was a result of needing some time to regroup and refocus after a rough patch professionally. Without going into too much detail, I was let go from my organization due to restructuring and it left me thrown for a loop.

If I'm going to be honest, I wasn't entirely happy where I was and I had been toying with the idea of changing industries for a while before this all happened. For a couple of months I had leisurely been applying to roles that had sparked some interest, but I wasn't very serious in my search. 

Now with no job or income, it meant that I had to take my laid back search to a more serious level. So like anyone in my position I started hitting the job boards and sending out my resume. But despite being in need of a position, I didn't want to apply just anywhere. 

Cue the epiphany.

It took a day or two after this happened and several phone calls with my amazing girlfriends to realize that I was in a pretty unique position. Yes I needed a job, if not for the obvious reasons, but here I was able to take a moment and understand what it is that would really make me happy. 

I didn't need to rush this decision, I could and should take the time to really investigate what avenues I wanted to explore, where I wanted to take my career and what company I wanted to be a part of. 

Losing your job sucks, and it can be life shattering for some. Once the initial shock wore off, I suddenly realized I had a whole world in front of me for the taking. This wasn't a negative, in fact, I think this was the universes way of telling me I was sitting stagnant too long. I needed this push and I am kind of glad it came when it did.

So I will continue applying to roles that appeal to me, but I think I may explore some of the little ideas that have been dancing around in my head for a while. Who knows what could happen....


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